A Whole New World

Tell me, Princess, when did you last let your heart decide?

4 min readMay 17, 2021

I had just spent the last 4 days with the family to celebrate my birthday in our simple heaven up in the mountains where there is a sea of clouds adorned with a gorgeous sunrise! Admittedly tho, I acted like a prima bitch. I mean, I had been under a great deal of stress lately and I was kinda expecting my family to treat me like “Princess Jasmine” as I am the youngest in a brood of 3 and I often got I wanted. But I was an emotional wreck half the time; the smallest thing annoyed the hell out of me; and my pettiness was so juvenile that I’m ashamed to even mention them. Despite my childish tantrum, my family reminded me of who I am and what I have. We are not rich by the world’s material standards but we are wealthy in so many other ways. I am truly grateful to have all that I need and to have the privilege of experiences that a lot of people can only dream of.

Today, my eyes popped open on or around 3:30 am like clockwork. After an hour, I am on the road for a solo beach trip. Before I left the house, I kissed my sleeping mother on the forehead and then my 17-year old son saw me off and told me, “Enjoy your day Mom!”. After 2.5 hrs, I got to the place I kinda planned on going but they turned me away because apparently, my reservation wasn’t confirmed. Instead of going back home, I just started to look for a place nearby and yes, I found a hidden, quiet beachfront. I was the only guest there so I had the place all to myself! (This is symbolical because it’s teaching that though you may not get what you thought you wanted, you actually end up getting something much better!). It is all a gift!

After messaging a bit with my older sister, and a quick phone call with my now-awake mother, my birthday was all about laying on the sand, underneath the shade of the trees with the birds chirping and the calm sea water soothing me; working out baywatch babe style (haha I’m being silly); listening to occult themed podcasts; reading Solzhenitsyn, contemplating about this day and writing this entry; eating home-cooked meals made by the cook there; and watching the beautiful sunset! I received so many gifts!

I bought myself a bead bracelet made of black coral (a stone for regeneration and purification, also absorbs and transforms negativity into creativity and tranquility) and tiger’s eye (a stone for protection against the forces of evil and ward off ill-wishes, and at the same time amplify inner strength and give courage to the wearer) from a humble mobile merchant and it was great because I had been looking for such a bracelet and there it was, being offered to me at the beach on my birthday! I didn’t even try to haggle the price and just paid the price that he stated because I felt it was a gift!

Then at 3 pm I went for 18 laps of 9 underwater strokes each while stating my wishes, like a Baptism of some sort. I ate forty-one (41, which is also my age as of today) chocolate cream-filled wafer Rondoletti sticks whilst I watched the sunset at 5:27 pm (which is also the exact time I was born!). Dear reader, you can probably tell how strange my “rituals” are but they work for me!

..Unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling…soaring, tumbling, free-wheeling..

I have been re-birthed with a renewed faith in All.

I’m like a shooting star, I’ve come so far. I can’t go back where I used to be…

I am changing into my highest ideals. I can not stay where I am and do the same things. I am holding myself back from my own greatness. And so, I am moving on, moving up and moving farther than I ever had.

A whole new world (every turn, a surprise), with new horizons to pursue…

Wishes come true. Maybe not in the form that you’d hope but if your faith wills it, then so it is. Have faith.

