
The Spiritual (Energetic) Law of Wealth

2 min readAug 11, 2022

The etymology of the word “wealth” is instructive here. It comes from the Middle English wele or “well-being.” Before taking on connotations of financial riches, wealth meant the welfare of people — their general happiness and joy (this was from the 15th century).

Man is the embodiment of God. Somehow, modern society has relegated wealth to be largely material in nature. If you understand energy, then you know that you are innately abundant. Energy is the Godly ability to create and the process of creation comes from inside the creator (I invite you to read what I wrote about energy https://jaclyncayetano.medium.com/prometheus-fire-energy-5181598fea8 ).

FOR WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN, MUCH IS REQUIRED. The way to pay for privilege is by doing the good that is commensurate of it. If you are WEALTHY in intelligence, skills, talents and material means, then BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE in service to humanity. Use your God-given abilities to do so much good and devote yourself to it so that when the mindless mob comes for you, you can hold your head high and with a clear conscience say, “I have done what God expects of me with love in my heart and peace in my soul.”.

Each human is a unique expression of God and so no creation of what God has created is ever the same. This principle applies to humans as creators ourselves, we do not need to compete with each other because what we create is a reflection of our uniqueness. Each of us, has something to offer this world — its impact may be as simple as kindness to another and it may be as complex as thought leadership resulting in a societal paradigm shift! Regardless of size and scale of the energetic impulse, energy in/energy out is how Wealth circulates.

God is Nature. Nature is abundant. Nature is Energy. Humans are of Nature and so it is subject to its Energetic Laws. Inasmuch as we would like to live in a World wherein we give what we can, and we receive what we deserve, there are those who will just take — and take more than they need out of greed. This greed comes from the Fear that there is a limited supply in Nature and that goes against the very nature of Nature itself! Nature transforms because Nature is Energy. Imbalance results from disrespecting the Laws of Nature i.e. The Laws of Energy. Ultimately, THE LAWS OF GOD.

We break the Laws of God by disrespecting the Human Laws of Energy i.e. by committing any of the seven (7) Cardinal Sins aka Satan’s “Seven Nation Army” namely: pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. These are all energetic extremes — doing too much/doing too little, taking a lot/not giving enough. (FYI. Cardinal means “pivotal”. This energetic “hinges” tilts the “scale” to an energetic imbalance).

The Antidote to Energetic Imbalance is Altruism. Altruism comes from GNOSIS — “The Knowing” that Humans are by Nature (energetically) abundant and so the impulse to give is natural. Nature gives — the way that God gives through us, Humans — his Divine incarnations, in his Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is in each and every Human. Opulence is a birth-right.

