Peace versus Persecution

We have all taken actions and made decisions that had results that we judge to either be favourable or unfavourable. Perhaps, when we are reminded of them, we still tend to emotionally “kick” ourselves or even the mere thought of them makes us cringe.

2 min readJun 6, 2021

This feeling of persecution is internally pervasive and the perpetrator is ourselves.

We justify our suffering to be a lesson from “God”, it has nothing to do with God. It is all about us being humans.

In this context, God is a word for “creator”, the source wherein the nature of all is as it is. Thus, all that is created is as it should be. No-thing is a mistake. Our human finite mind would logic that if there was any flaw in the creation, then there would be an imbalance and all would cease to exist. But creation is perfect, and it flawlessly balances itself out. That is God.

Being human, we “should” be the reflection of the creator, right? Using “should” posits that we are not. Consider this: What kind of creator would create anything less than the standard of itself?

Each of us may be a unique expression of perfection in the language of God. It is being human that limits us from accepting our perfection because we have assigned “descriptors” to it using human language.

Peace comes from accepting EXACTLY what and who we are, whatever that may be. Persecution is every attempt to the contrary.

Peace is of God. Persecution is of Man.

