Young Prisoners

I had the privilege of growing up at a time when it was safe running around barefoot, flying a kite outside on the grasslands, inhaling the fresh breeze that had a hint of the sea in it, playing tag with friends, making mud cakes, picking fruits from the tree and eating it right away, and talking to someone with their face so close that you can smell and feel their breath.

2 min readMay 1, 2021
“Own only what you can always carry with you: know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag.”
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

Now, I look at the images of children around the world, especially those of my family and friends who has young ones and babies, and wonder: how did we get here?

These little humans are kept inside for long periods of time, often in front of a gadget to occupy themselves, with rarely any physical activity due to involuntary confinement brought about by this pandemic that may last up to 2023 and beyond.

Impacts to mental health aside, we may be advertently or inadvertently raising an entire generation of humans with weak bodies or musculature, who are prone to sickness because they have not been exposed to enough “germs” from the environment to allow their bodies to build its own antibodies. Not to mention, not all are given safe opportunities to fearlessly enjoy the great outdoors.

Babies will be born by inoculated mothers or themselves are inoculated upon birth with the risk of genetic mutation of some sort. One can only imagine what kind of morphology would occur.

On one hand, these humans may quite possibly be highly creative in that if they are unable to physically manifest and explore “the world” in order to connect with others, to learn and to entertain themselves, then they will create new ways and means to make it possible to “travel” transcendentaly through space-time. On the other hand, these humans may be socially handicapped and emotionally-stunted in that personal and genuine human interactions is cold and digital, often transactional.

Adaptation may result in large-headed humans with a higher computing and brain processing power in order to operate externalised bodily functions through technology — transhumanism to posthumanism.

A new generation of humans aka guinea pigs are being prodded and backed into separate corners. Afraid and polarized, they are subjected to mind-fuckery and their response tested to real-time experiments being done to them. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is reality. How do I know this to be true? It is because environments are invisible. The fish can not see the water.

